2021 Numismatic News Digital Issue No. 28, November 2
Numismatic News has been the No. 1 information source for coin collectors since 1952, providing weekly reports on market trends and news concerning collectible U.S. coins and paper money.
In this issue:
- A Collector Discovers New Gold Variety
- The Denver Mint
- Bargain Collector: Looking for value among the Seated Liberty dimes
- Coin Market: Indicators point to “mixed market”
- Coin Market at a Glance: Just how strong is the market?
- Item of the Week: 1937-S Washington quarter
- Mint Statistics: Unc. gold with new design debuts
- On the Scene: 130th anniversary ANA convention caps otherwise laid-back numismatic summer
- Past Times with Coins: The case of the stolen presidential coin collection
- Departments: AnnounceMints, Classifieds, Coin Clinic, Collector's Marketplace, E-Letters, Letters, Show Directory