2022 Numismatic News Digital Issue No. 25, September 27
Numismatic News has been the No. 1 information source for coin collectors since 1952, providing weekly reports on market trends and news concerning collectible U.S. coins and paper money.
In this issue:
- Reverse Proof Palladium Eagle to Launch
- Proofs Among Under-Collected Shield Nickels
- Moffat & Co. The Unchallenged Leader of Private Mints
- The Half Dime
- Too Good to Be True? Buyer Beware
- American Women Quarter Ornaments Debut
- RCNA Show a Pleasant Cross-Country Trip
- 10 Cents for $1.1 Million
- APMEX Launches Bullion Card
- ‘Carson Bar’ Sells for $2+ Million
- 1927 - D Saint Leads Record ANA Sale
- Ardor Hasn’t Cooled for 1937-D Buffalo Nickel
- Departments: AnnounceMints, Classifieds, Coin Clinic, Collector's Marketplace, E-Letters, Letters, Show Directory